Our law firm has its roots in the second decade of the last century, when Silvio Marzari Senior (1886-1967) started to practice as an advocate (avvocato). He went on to become a judge, and reached the peak of his career as Chief Public Prosecutor (Procuratore Generale) at the Court of Cassation in Rome.
Silvio Marzari Junior has continued the family’s legal tradition, and thanks to his academic experience at Italian and foreign universities, he re-founded the law firm focussing primarily on civil and commercial law - with particular reference to international private law and procedure, as well as EU legislation, and more generally, relations with other countries; more specifically, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Brazil and other Latin-American countries, as well as the Far East, especially China and South-East Asian countries. Over the years, the firm has put together a consolidated team of practising lawyers whose individual areas of expertise are therefore complementary to one another’s.
Among them, particular mention should be made of Avvocato Gabriella Maggiora, who is exceptionally knowledgeable on administrative law, and who has become a point of reference for key public bodies and economic organisations;
Avvocato Roberto Nicolini is renowned for his skills in economic and commercial relations, and more generally, for his business acumen abroad, notably with Germany and other Northeuropean countries;
Avvocato Stefania Gioco is highly reputed for her expert skills in relations with German-speaking countries and abroad generally, where she specialises in agency and distribution agreements, transport law and personal loss or injury, including loss of amenities and other immaterial damages and transnational issues;
then, Avvocato Stefania Brugnoli is widely known for her expertise in procedural matters, as well as questions relating to substantive civil and commercial law, in addition to administrative law;
Avvocato Stefano Carrara is well-known for his technical ability in resolving complex labour law and property law issues, including those relating to leases.
Avvocato Alessio Albertini specialises in banking litigation and real estate enforcement orders, as well as inheritance issues.
The lawyers in our team have all spent part of their professional training abroad, and most of them work fluently not only in Italian but also in English and German, with specific reference to transnational business operations in their respective areas of civil and commercial law, including company law questions such as acquisitions and mergers, transnational inheritance issues, intellectual property, negotiation and drawing up of contracts, including supply, distribution and franchise agreements, agency and transport agreements, real estate issues, arbitration, bankruptcy and related insolvency procedures.
Consequently, our law firm has become a point of reference for major Italian business groups, assisting them in setting up their establishments abroad or even representing them in foreign litigation, as well as providing assistance to many foreign companies, mainly German, who are active in Italy.
A specific department in the law firm is dedicated to administrative law - for which we are widely known – dealing with all its various aspects, including construction, planning, expropriation for public utilities i.e. compulsory purchase of land, public procurement both in Italy and at a European level, trade law and the general public law of the economy, etc.; as well as litigation before Regional Administrative Courts and the Council of State and the Court of Auditors in Rome.
The law firm also has a well-established network of correspondents in Italy and all the major European countries, as well as in the United States, Brazil and the Far East.
Quali consumatori europei ci sarà utile imparare questa nuova sigla: GPSR, che significa Regolamento generale “per la sicurezza dei prodotti”. Ci è utile perché introduce maggiori tutele in tutta l’Unione Europea per i consumatori.
Alcune regole ci sono già, ma risalgono al 2001 e devono perciò essere adattate alla luce dei grandi cambiamenti occorsi anche nel commercio, in particolare con l’affermazione del commercio online.
Vale anche e soprattutto per i venditori online di prodotti: tra gli aspetti che più ci toccano come consumatori, la rimozione dalla vendita dei prodotti che risultino pericolosi entro 2 giorni dal ricevimento di ordini dell’autorità, ma anche il dover evadere entro 3 giorni eventuali segnalazioni dei consumatori.
Per i prodotti già venduti e che vengono richiamati dal venditore/produttore abbiamo il diritto alla sostituzione o al rimborso.
Sarà obbligatorio indicare i riferimenti di contatto del produttore, affinchè il consumatore possa facilmente comunicare le proprie richieste.
Anche per i prodotti provenienti al di fuori dell’UE dovrà essere reso noto sin dal momento dell’acquisto un soggetto responsabile, nei confronti del quale far valere i propri diritti.
Il GPSR entrerà in vigore a fine del 2024, ma possiamo confidare che molte imprese inizino già da subito ad adeguarsi ad esso.
Ed a corollario di questo, la notizia che se inavvertitamente firmiamo clausole contrattuali “abusive” durante un acquisto, anche online, abbiamo ancora più tempo per opporci ad esse. Lo ha detto la Corte di Cassazione con una sentenza del 6 aprile 2023, ma magari su questo vi racconterò di più la prossima volta.
From next 15 July, this legislation also comes into force in Italy for large companies, while for companies with up to 249 employees the obligation takes effect on 17 December 2023.
But what does this mean in concrete terms? Everyone - business and companies, but also workers - are required to cooperate in order to report and thus counteract violations of the law in the workplace and business environment.
How? Every company is compelled to set up a digital tool to make such reports and implement the other measures required by law, so that it can function properly. They can be made to a person linked to the company, but independent and other than the employer, or to Anac (National Anti-Corruption Authority), or even by public complaint.
Given the common good purpose, whistleblowers are entitled to confidentiality on their identity, must be protected and may not be sanctioned under any circumstances by the employer, not even by retaliatory acts. Moreover, those individuals, colleagues, relatives or acquaintances, who help them in reporting, must also be protected.
This applies to all types of illegal acts: for example, corruption, sexual harassment, tax irregularities, money laundering.
These are therefore new rules to promote widespread legality in the economic and business spheres, another tool that we can and must all collaborate on. Not only to protect ourselves, if unlawful acts concern us, but also to improve a little the world in which we live and work.
That being said, if you want more detailed information, whether you are an employer or a worker, please feel free to contact me.
Dal 15 luglio prossimo questa normativa entra in vigore anche in Italia per le grandi aziende, mentre per quelle fino a 249 dipendenti l’obbligo scatta il prossimo 17 dicembre 2023.
Ma cosa significa concretamente? A tutti – imprenditori e aziende, ma anche ai lavoratori – viene richiesto di collaborare, per segnalare e quindi contrastare violazioni di legge, in ambito lavorativo e aziendale.
Come? Ogni impresa deve istituire uno strumento digitale per fare queste segnalazioni e dar corso alle altre misure previste dalla legge affinchè possa funzionare correttamente. Esse possono essere fatte ad un soggetto collegato all’azienda, ma indipendente e diverso dal datore di lavoro, oppure alla Anac (Autorità Nazionale Anti Corruzione) oppure anche con denuncia pubblica.
Dato la finalità di bene comune, i segnalatori hanno diritto alla riservatezza sulla loro identità, vanno protetti e non possono esser sanzionati in alcun caso dal datore di lavoro, neppure con atti ritorsivi. Anzi vanno protetti anche i soggetti, colleghi, parenti o conoscenti, che li aiutano nella segnalazione.
Questo vale per tutti i tipi di illeciti: a titolo di esempio corruzione, molestie sessuali, irregolarità fiscali, riciclaggio.
Si tratta quindi di regole nuove, per promuovere una legalità diffusa in ambito economico e aziendale, un altro strumento al quale possiamo e dobbiamo collaborare tutti. Non solo per proteggere noi stessi, se gli atti illeciti ci riguardano, ma anche per migliorare un po’ il mondo in cui viviamo e lavoriamo.
Detto questo, se vuoi maggiori informazioni, che tu sia imprenditore e lavoratore, sono a tua disposizione.
AVVOCATO SILVIO MARZARI Telephone: +39 045 8031311 e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Silvio Marzari (re)founded the…Read More
AVVOCATO MARIA GABRIELLA MAGGIORA Telephone +39 045 8036690 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. After graduating with distinction at…Read More
AVVOCATO ROBERTO NICOLINI Telephone: +39 045 8031931 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Roberto Nicolini graduated at the…Read More
AVVOCATO STEFANIA GIOCO Telephone: +39 045 8035212 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Stefania Gioco graduated from the…Read More
AVVOCATO STEFANIA BRUGNOLI Telephone: +39 045 8030321 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Stefania Brugnoli graduated from the…Read More
AVVOCATO STEFANO CARRARA Telephone: +39-045-8002931 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Stefano Carrara graduated at the University of…Read More
AVVOCATO ALESSIO ALBERTINI Telephone: +39-045-8019722 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Avvocato Alessio Albertini graduated in law at the…Read More