Avv. Silvio Marzari
Avv. Maria Gabriella Maggiora
Avv. Roberto Nicolini
Avv. Stefania Gioco
Avv. Stefania Brugnoli
Avv. Stefano Carrara
Avv. Alessio Albertini

Lawyer Silvio Marzari


Telephone: +39 045 8031311

e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Avvocato Silvio Marzari (re)founded the law firm, Marzari and Partners. Emeritus. He was a research fellow at the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and subsequently held a fellowship at the University of Padua, before becoming a Professor of public law institutions at the University of Verona. A specialist in international and administrative law, he was also in charge of the regional delegation in Verona of the Milan Italian-German Chamber of Commerce for 25 years until 2020. He remains a point of reference for our professional team. In March 2008, he was awarded the “Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande” by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Languages: Italian, English and German.



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Diritto civile e commerciale; diritto amministrativo; diritto internazionale privato e processuale; rapporti con l’estero
Corso Porta Nuova, 11 - 37122 VERONA - ITALIA - Telefax +39-045-8009958 - info@italegal.eu
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