Avv. Silvio Marzari
Avv. Maria Gabriella Maggiora
Avv. Roberto Nicolini
Avv. Stefania Gioco
Avv. Stefania Brugnoli
Avv. Stefano Carrara
Avv. Alessio Albertini

Lawyer Roberto Nicolini


Telephone: +39 045 8031931

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Avvocato Roberto Nicolini graduated at the University of Bologna before joining the Advocates Board (Ordine degli Avvocati) of Verona in 1992, and later, in 2013, he was admitted to plead before the Court of Cassation and the Higher Courts in Rome. He specialises in commercial law, banking law, private international law and procedure, as well as property law. He represents foreign companies, in particular assisting German and other foreign countries’ undertakings develop their businesses in Italy, and Italian firms in their relations and litigation overseas, working in both German and English. Avvocato Nicolini also provides consultancy on the subject of compliance and Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, as well as acting as a Supervisory Body. He also assists clients with international inheritance and succession issues. He is the Vice President of AEA International, a network of advocates and a member of DVEV - Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge eV - the German association for the law of inheritance and estates.

Languages: Italian, English and German.



ITALEGAL Società Cooperativa C.F.e P.IVA 04259900233 REA VR-405835
Diritto civile e commerciale; diritto amministrativo; diritto internazionale privato e processuale; rapporti con l’estero
Corso Porta Nuova, 11 - 37122 VERONA - ITALIA - Telefax +39-045-8009958 - info@italegal.eu
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