Avv. Silvio Marzari
Avv. Maria Gabriella Maggiora
Avv. Roberto Nicolini
Avv. Stefania Gioco
Avv. Stefania Brugnoli
Avv. Stefano Carrara
Avv. Alessio Albertini

Also Europe intervenes in the fight to prevent violence against women...

..and against domestic violence. We are all aware that this is a huge problem, which Read More

Anche l’Europa interviene sulla lotta alla violenza contro le donne!..

.. e alla violenza domestica. Siamo tutti consapevoli che si tratta un problema enorme, che attanaglia Read More

If you help me, I'll leave you my apartment.

If you help me, I'll leave you my apartment. An ageing population also brings with Read More

Se mi aiuti, ti lascio la casa

Un progressivo invecchiamento della popolazione, porta con sé anche questioni giuridiche di questo tipo. E Read More

Long live the sparkling wine, in the shining glasses,

Long live the sparkling wine, in the shining glasses, so sings Turiddu in Cavalleria Rusticana, Read More

“Viva il vino spumeggiante nel bicchiere scintillante”

“Viva il vino spumeggiante nel bicchiere scintillante”, cosi canta Turiddu in Cavalleria Rusticana, cosi è Read More

Have you installed surveillance cameras where you live?!

Have you installed surveillance cameras where you live?! Desire for security, theft prevention, affordable technology. Read More

Avete installato le telecamere di sorveglianza dove abitate?

Avete installato le telecamere di sorveglianza dove abitate?! Desiderio di sicurezza, prevenzione dei furti, tecnologie Read More


E’ un tema che riguarda sia i privati che le aziende, infatti recentemente una delle Read More


TITOLARI EFFETTIVI! In un paese come l’Italia, di piccole e medie imprese, questa è una Read More

BENEFICIAL OWNER - How it works in Italy

In a country like Italy of small and medium-sized companies, this is a deadline of Read More

The employment relationship - always something new!

The employment relationship - always something new! The relationship between entrepreneur and employee is always shaped Read More


Il rapporto tra imprenditore e lavoratore dipendente è sempre contraddistinto da numerosi aspetti e qui Read More


Not only ugly, but many other insults, attacks, expressions of hatred are unfortunately frequent on Read More


Non solo brutt*, ma tanti altri insulti, attacchi, espressioni di odio sono purtroppo frequenti sui Read More


Questa volta parliamo di lavoro, e in particolare di lavoro subordinato per alcuni aggiornamenti interessanti. Read More


This time let’s talk about work, and in particular employment, for some interesting updates. As Read More


As European consumers, it will be useful for us to learn this new acronym: GPSR, Read More


As a lawyer, I deal with various aspects of civil and commercial law, which you Read More


Come avvocato mi occupo di vari aspetti del diritto civile e commerciale, dei quali potete Read More
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The best-known application of 'blockchain' technology, which many are now beginning to understand, is notoriously 'bitcoin'. Even with other virtual currencies, it has fluctuating values, but continues to be popular as a payment and financial instrument. Worldwide and also in Italy, case law is constantly dealing with it; the Italian Court of Cassation has recently ruled that anyone who buys bitcoins with financial means of illicit origin commits the crime of self-money laundering. This confirms once again that bitcoin can be considered a financial and speculative instrument and that as such, it can be considered a technically suitable instrument for the commission of the aforementioned crime. All the more so because it allows transactions to be largely anonymous and therefore it is very carefully monitored. For this reason, those who purchase bitcoins must always take care to keep documentation to prove the legitimacy of the funds used. And what about 'NFTs' or non-fungible tokens? They are another practical use of the blockchain technology itself. First and foremost, they are used to make the 'originals' of digital works of art recognisable and marketable, with interestingly different uses, depending on whether they are linked to a tangible work of art or not. But also, in the field of fashion, for example, they are progressively being used in a manner accessible to any consumer, to ascertain the uniqueness and/or belonging to a limited series and/or in any case the authenticity of a specific material product. These and many others are the possible uses, that are gradually becoming more widespread, so it is important for everyone to understand at least the elementary rudiments of this technological tool. update October 2022


after release of this video the deadline of June 30th 2022 has been extended to December 31st 2022!

This is important news for companies, which sell products in the EU, but also for consumers. Packaging is boxes, bottles, jars, baskets and generally all those containers for products bought by consumers.

The origin of the issue comes from the EU Directive 851 of 2018, which has also been transposed into Italian law, defined as the “environmental labelling standard”. The aim of this legislation is to ensure that product packaging is reused as much as possible as part of the so-called circular economy.

For all packaging, therefore, an obligation has been introduced to identify the packaging materials by means of identification markings, as set out in Decision 129/97/EC, and to indicate how they can be recycled. For paper packaging, for example, there will be the abbreviation PAP followed by a number. Given the variety of packaging, the standard takes up the principle of accountability, and it is therefore possible that companies' solutions will vary, but all will be suitable for achieving the intended purpose.

Sometimes products are so small that it is difficult to add other indications on the labels: then the regulation provides that a QR code can be print, with a link to a web page, where all the information is available to the consumer.

These new indications had to be in place on products already on sale by 31st December 2021, but at the end of last year this deadline was extended to 30th June 2022 and then to 31st December 2022. However, even after that date, companies can sell products that are already on the market or that are already labelled on 1st January 2023, even though they do not have the environmental labelling requirements, until stocks are sold out.

Given that the extension came at the last minute, it is quite possible that products bearing the new packaging recycling information are already on the market.

It is important for companies to know that these are mandatory rules and that failure to comply with them will result in heavy fines. But with the deadline being extended to 30th June 2022, it is to be expected that everyone will comply, to take another step in the direction of a greener economy.


updated June 2022


Will your social networks be disclosed to your relatives? -

With the widespread use of digital data in the most diverse spheres, the question increasingly arises: if the holder is deceased or has become incapacitated, who can obtain all the digital data of the person in question from the various entities, banks, social networks, health facilities?

The question is not one of mere entertainment, but concerns different and broad spheres of personal rights, economic and property rights as well as personality rights.

A practical solution that I suggest, is to collect access keys and passwords for loved ones in a special document: one can also think of indicating them in the will. This allows family members to access and dispose of the data. But what happens if this is not done? Who has access?

The solution adopted consistently in recent years by the Italian courts is to apply a specific rule, introduced in 2018 and namely Article 2-terdecies, of Legislative Decree 196/2003, according to which a person's rights can be claimed, in his absence, by those who have an interest of their own, or by those acting on his behalf as a proxy, or even by those acting on his behalf for family reasons worthy of protection. Moreover, the same rule prevents these third parties from accessing the digital data, if the person in question has expressly forbidden it.

Starting with the latter statement, it is reassuring to know that any of us can decide not to allow our heirs access to our digital data, especially the most confidential and personal data.

It is equally reassuring that the Italian courts, with the specificities of each individual case, normally grant this right to third parties, relatives or heirs, of the deceased person, in the event that they request not only to have access to, but also to dispose of and keep all the digital data of the person in question. This has important implications, since even after death a relative can for instance obtain the medical records of the deceased. Another case is social security and pension data, held by public and private bodies, which can be used to obtain survivor's pensions or other benefits.

To the question of what to do in this matter, that I was asked recently, I can give the same answer here as well: be aware of your digital identity, data and digital assets and think in advance about what you would like to do with them, when you won’t be around. Like family jewellery.


updated July 2022





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